Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sipi Falls and Futbol Game

For the weekends here in Uganda, we often get away and do fun things to take advantage of the fact we are here in Africa. A couple weekends ago we hiked up Sipi Falls and it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Some of the prettiest lush greenery I have ever seen and the waterfalls were breathtaking too. The hike was harder than we anticipated and it started raining a lot so it got WAY muddy. My supposed amazing keens were not so amazing and I was slipping EVERYWHERE! I biffed it a few times and that's when these 10 year old fierce Ugandan boys started holding my hand and helping me up and down the mountain. They are so incredibly tough, I couldn't believe it! I would have biffed it 100 more times if it weren't for them haha. We also saw a cool cave with bats and scaled some rocks at the base of the waterfall. It was intense and we were all covered in mud completely by the end of the day! It was a lot of fun!! My camera died so here are just two pics:
Aubrey, Remmik, and I in front of one of the falls. Love these girls!!

In front of one of the smaller caves. Some of us volunteers, as well as Janet who is a board member for HELP.

The next weekend The Twisted Sisters (the four of us that got braids) went with Suz and the boys to a futbol game in Kampala. It was seriously INSANE. We drove up with some people who won VIP tickets through MTN to see the game (which was supposed to be us btw - it was a mess getting our tickets to say the least - lots of broken promises and heated words). Even though we didn't get the VIP tickets we still got a bunch of the food that they were handing out to all of them so that was awesome. It took about 3 hours to get to Kampala and the WHOLE way these men were blowing on these obnoxious horns and chanting "We go, we go, Uganda Cranes we go!" while us twisted sisters just wanted to sleep. :( I understand team spirit and getting into games, but can't we just contain it to DURING the game?!? It was crazy. The game itself was pretty tight although I nearly got trampled by a stampede trying to get into the gates. It was seriously a free for all, fight to your death to get in those gates. You'd think you were getting into the world cup for a million dollars by the way these people were fighting to get in!! But nope, it was a 7 dollar game and just a game! NUTS! I almost lost my arm, but don't worry, it's still here with us. The Cranes won the game 2-0 which was AWESOME and I have never seen so much spirit during a game! It was seriously so fun - the guy sitting next to me was drunk off of booze and he picked me up like a baby when they scored the second time! YIKES! Too bad I didn't get a photo. And you are probably wondering if during the 3 hours back home everyone blew in their horns and chanted because of the victory? The answer to that would have to be a yes. I'm pretty sure I heard horns in my sleep that night...... ask me if I'm happy about it. Here are some pics:
The Twisted Sisters with Mike, a previous player of the Uganda Cranes. Whit (the one next to him on the right, one of our country directors) has a secret crush on him! Ok I guess it's not secret since I know!
The Stadium! Huge and so much red, yellow, and black!!
Me, Rem, and Jen. Excited for the game to start!
The drunk dude next to me gave me this horn. Fun fun.
After the first goal. We love the Uganda Cranes! So much spirit!
On our way home - triggers to our heads because of the stupid horns haha

Here's to fun weekends in Uganda! The best part: Whitney and Paul were featured in the newspaper after the game!! :)

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