Monday, May 23, 2011

The art of boda boda riding

The most common mode of transport in Uganda is riding on a boda boda. This is similar to a motorcycle in America. Now, there are three ways to ride the boda. Let me explain.

First you have onesies. Let me depict:

As you can see, I am riding on the boda by myself with the driver. This is my favorite way to ride the boda because there is more room and I get to ride like a lady, which means sitting with both legs on one side of the boda. If you don't ride like a lady, the people laugh at you and it is very awkward. Hence, I ride like a lady 99% of the time. It is nicer that way too because you get a better view of beautiful Uganda.

Next, you have twosies. I cannot depict this sadly, but it involves my cousin Jen and I riding together. Since we are small, we can still pull off riding lady like this way and I always sit on the back, which means my bum is hitting the metal bar on the back. Not as comfortable, but doable. One day we did this in the rain and here is a picture with our boda driver after - sadly he is SOAKED!
It is also more fun riding in the rain, for obvious reasons.

Last, you have threesies. By this point, you are probably getting my drift. On this occasion Jen, Whitney, and myself rode together on the boda with the driver which sadly REQUIRES sitting like men with one leg on either side of the bike. People laugh, it is awkward, and I am not a fan. But hey - you do what you gotta do sometimes. The nice thing about adding more people is the cost goes down! So Jen and I have been doing a lot more twosies lately.

Moral of the story: boda rides are great. I don't think I will ever get sick of them. It is always a thrill, whether you are doing it in the rain or in the dark and almost skidding to your death.... which yes, did happen to me. Don't worry mom and dad, I survived and did not fall off. Such a trooper, right?!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I love that it's so embarrassing to ride the boda the way it would be normal in the states! Can you get Jennifer to write on her blog?? What the heck? haha. You are keeping yours up so nicely and I just love reading yours posts! I get so excited when I see one :)
