Monday, May 23, 2011

Observing flies

Again, NOTE: I just did two posts in a row. Be sure to see both!

This post may be a little retarded, but I just have to admit something....

Life in Uganda is much more simple than life in America. I get excited about being out at night. Yeah, walking around at night and taking a boda home in the dark is the highlight of my week every friday night. Get the point? It's just because the fact of being in Uganda is SO COOL in and of itself. Anyway, I have a lot more time on my hands now because we often have to be IN before dark (except for friday and saturday nights usually, hence, the excitement). This means I have time to read, write in my journal, and yes........ observe flies. They are EVERYWHERE so it is not hard to miss them. I have noticed something about flies that I never noticed in America... they often lift up their front legs and rub them together almost as if they are cleaning themselves with the air or being mischievious... they also do it with their back legs too. I find it so funny and entertaining.......... is that so retarded?! Probably :) So if you can, observe a fly sometime. Although, I know there is not much spare time in fast-paced America.

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