Thursday, May 19, 2011

White Tile

NOTE: I did two posts today so make sure you see/read both!

This post is dedicated to my mom. She has lived in Spain for the past couple years in a little apartment with my dad. In their apartment, they have white tile floors and she says they get so dirty that she has to clean them every single day. I thought this was a little crazy and didn't think it was possible for floors to get THAT dirty every day. Well, our house here in Uganda has white tile floors too and since we've been here we have nightly chores we have to do. All of them somehow involve sweeping and mopping the white tile floors and we do this *don't be shocked* EVERY DAY! And if you can believe it.... they DO get dirty every day! Seriously - it is a good pile of dirt that we clean up everyday. So mom... I now believe you that you had reason to clean those white tile floors everyday!

The things you learn in Uganda...

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