Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Some of my favorite photos so far...

At church with all the kiddies - the two little ones are twins :)

In the market - all these two and three year olds were going crazy shaking my hand and bowing down to me... seriously the most precious thing I have ever seen :)

Oh just holding the chickens that we killed for dinner on Monday night. NBD. This is Africa people! You just step on the wings, pluck the feathers around the throat and cut the head off - blood gushes everywhere. Tasty!

Welcome to Uganda! It is beautiful here and very green as you can tell.

Me and the cutest little boy from an orphanage that we stopped at on our way to Mbale - it was an 8 hour bus ride.

In the Entebbe Airport - posing with our passports because Jen nearly lost hers so we were celebrating!

Eating Fish n Chips in London! Authentic cuisine!

Most of the team in front of Big Ben

Uganda has been great thus far! We have been doing needs assessments and seen some really sad things in the last few days. We visited orphanages, schools, and clinics so far. More details to come later! Love you all!


  1. Thanks for the update and photos. We are so wanting all the details and think about you constantly!

  2. Meg, I love these pictures. I look forward to seeing more :)

  3. So glad to see these!! Tell Jen she's being a slacker! She needs to be writing on her blog! Miss you guys and pray for you every night :)

  4. Meg! Oh my gosh! Those chickens are crazy! Did you get to participate in the plucking/beheading?! Yikes! The pictures are so fun! I am so glad your adventure is continuing to go so well!
