Saturday, May 14, 2011

Some more pictures...

These are the mosquito nets we sleep under every night - the ones that burned our eyes so badly the first night!

This is what the villages often look like that we go to - with all the huts and such.

We went to this community with an HIV/AIDS support group and they danced and performed for us. The whole time I could not stop looking at this little black baby I am next to in this photo! Seriously the most precious child I have seen thus far!

I wanted to do more of a legit post about my week, but don't have the time. None of it is way exciting - just learning a lot more about the culture and having a bit of a hard time with communication. I am confident that with time I will get better though! Everything is great and I am excited to start our projects this week!

fun tidbit we learned from our South African friends: worchestershire sauce helps with an upset stomach. two spoonfuls and you're golden :)

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